Friday, April 5, 2013


I started the Clean program 10 days ago.  The first part includes a pre-cleanse diet that is pretty restrictive, but basically consists of vegetables, lean meats (chicken and turkey), nuts, and fruits (excluding bananas and strawberries).  You are not allowed to eat wheat, dairy, have caffeine, drink alcohol, or have anything with preservatives.  Everything must be fresh and/or organic.  It was pretty difficult at first, but the food wasn't so bad once I got into it.  I started the actual cleanse on Monday.  It consists of a meal shake for breakfast with supplements and a probiotic, a healthy lunch from a list of approved food, and a meal shake with supplements for dinner.  You are not supposed to eat for 12 hours after dinner, and it is recommended that you take two spoonfuls of olive oil and add garlic to most of the foods you eat.  Again, not difficult, but not easy either.   My body lasted two days on the cleanse before totally freaking out.

On Tuesday, I was at work and started to feel a little stuffy and was sneezing occasionally.  I looked on the Clean website and read that those symptoms are pretty typical, so I didn't think much about it.  On Wednesday, I couldn't breathe through my nose at all, was completely congested, and felt horrible.  I also had a fever.  I emailed one of the Clean Wellness Coaches and let her know about my symptoms, and she said it would be a good idea to stop the cleanse until I was feeling better.  Ugh. Yesterday, I could breathe most of the day but the coughing started and I could barely talk.  I was in bed most of the day.  Today, I'm better, but still not back to normal, and just really frustrated.

Just when I thought something would really help, my body decided not to cooperate.  I actually felt much better on the pre-cleanse, and was looking forward to feeling amazing after the cleanse.  I have decided to look at this as my body telling me that it was too much, and that maybe it's best to do a modified version of the cleanse so I can keep my energy up and my immune system working.  I am not giving up, though.  The second I start feeling better, I will start the program again.  I have already noticed some weight coming off.  I have more energy and I am no longer bloated.  I am hopeful. 

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