Saturday, January 5, 2013

6 Days

I made it through the whole day without thinking about writing.  Josh got home from work late and we went to bed around 11:00, and about ten minutes later I remembered that I hadn't posted anything.  I tried to access the page in bed from my phone but it wouldn't let me log in, so I decided to just skip it because, really, my bed is just that comfortable.  6 whole days of commitment would have looked pretty sad for someone who had so much determination less than a week ago. 

Still, my goal is to write every day for 365 days and that's what I plan to do.  Even if some days it's just a short post at 11:56 pm because my husband kicks me out of bed and says, "Just go turn the computer back on and write something.  You'll feel better." 

So, here's a quick summary of today: Got out of bed around 10:00 and did the AM Yoga DVD, organized more junk in my house, set up our new bookshelf, cooked steak, brown rice, and broccoli, made turkey soup, and did paperwork type stuff for work.  I considered going to check out a new gym today but decided to lay on the couch and watch tv instead.  Josh asked me to do yoga again with him and I skipped it, deciding once a day was enough even though I know I could have done more.  My girlfriend invited me out to dinner and I opted to stay home in my pajamas and didn't even call her back. 

I called and talked to my mom and told her about my day.  She calmly asked if I thought it was time to go get my levels checked.  Oh, yeah, that.  See, that's her way of hinting to me that she's noticing the depression symptoms creeping in and my thyroid levels might be a low.   Sleeping too much, lack of motivation, skipping activities with friends.  I know that she's right, I just try to pretend that everything is fine all the time.  So, Monday will not only be the day I check out my potential new gym, but also the day I go see my doctor to get bloodwork done.      


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