Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Today I turned 31.  There was cake, and ice cream, and cookies, and...ugh.  I didn't do as well as I had hoped from a willpower standpoint.  I had a piece or cake, a few cookies, and ice cream.   I told myself going over to my parents' house that I would do fine.  I would just have a tiny bit of cake and ice cream and be done.  But then the excuses started.  It's my birthday so I shouldn't feel guilty about all of the sugar.  Josh and I did yoga together this morning so I burned some calories so it's okay.  I had a healthy breakfast and lunch, so the extra calories really weren't so bad.  That's the problem, though.  There's always some kind of excuse.  I'm not going to beat myself up about my choices today.  It's not worth obsessing over what I can't go back and change.  All I can do is continue to stay focused on my ultimate goal.

I talked to my mom tonight about my fertility issues.  I am not ovulating and haven't since who knows when.  I went off of birth control in August and, well, nothing's happened since then.  I've been to see my doctor and she basically told me to wait it out.  That everyone is different and it takes some people longer to adjust after going off the pill.  That if there is no change in the next six months, we'll try something to get me back on track.  Well, it's been six months, and still nothing.  I'm not stressing about it because I know that doesn't help anything, but some days I really wish my body would just work the way it's supposed to.  I think it's put me through enough in the past 10 years with my thyroid issues, and it's hard not to think that it's all connected somehow.

I have a plan for getting healthy again and I just hope I am able to stick to it.  I am going to continue to do yoga for now since I can already tell it's making me stronger and it doesn't raise my heart rate too much.  If I don't notice enough of a change in the next few weeks, I am going to look into getting a gym membership at a place down the street from my house.  More on that later, though.  I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.  Maybe that should be part of my plan.  One week at a time... 

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